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Hi, I'm Matt, a software developer specializing in Unity, with a focus on mixed reality and gamification. I've got over 7 years of professional experience spanning Unity, Unreal, and PlayCanvas; with a history of delivering projects for Desktop, Mobile, HoloLens, and VR.

Scroll down for my professional work or take a look at my Side Projects

VR aircraft ground crew maintenance training simulator. Networked with Voice chat for instructor-led sessions; alongside the ability to hold local, solo sessions to practise.

  • Implemented interactions and controls for UI, tooltips, locomotion, physical grab and controllers

  • Debugged and troubleshot issues with external libraries while deployed to device

  • Developed a type agnostic serializer using a TDD approach to streamline the creation of UI for Vuplex

Quest 2, 3 and Pro

Unity / C#

Agora Voice Chat

XR Interaction Toolkit

Vuplex Web UI

VContainer Dependency Injection

In-House Networking

Azure Text to Speech


An interactive, missing person thriller with a mental health message. As you explore the surroundings, the environment responds to your gaze and you begin to piece together a thought-provoking picture.

  • Architected gaze and touch interactions and prefabs to be as modular and accessible to the art team as possible, saving time and effort 

  • Implemented real time lightmap switching for performant lighting changes at runtime

  • Created a sound system for the sound editor to easily play, interrupt and modify sounds from anywhere with just a type reference

Quest 2, 3 and Pro

Unity / C#

Oculus SDK Gaze Interaction

XR Interaction Toolkit

Realtime Lightmap switching

Vuplex Web UI

VContainer Dependency Injection

Shadergraph materials

Forest of Resilience is a Short VR experience to introduce the fundamentals the four stages of mental resilience. It led to a larger project called Camp Resilience, expanding on the same concepts. 

  • Architected and developed the interaction framework which was reused in every project at Born prior to the release of XRITK3

  • Built the world space UI, organising communication between myself, the UX designer and 2D artist

  • Worked with non-technical stakeholders to refine product specifications, addressing feature feasibility and complexity

Quest 2, 3 and Pro

Unity / C#

Unitask Async Integration

XR Interaction Toolkit

DOTween / Timeline

RenderDoc GPU Profiling

Shadergraph shaders

VContainer Dependency Injection

VR Experience debuted at COP28 to highlight the effects of drinking water scarcity in rural Sub-Saharan Africa. Focuses on the story of a girl  called Dagbe who interacts with others and explores their stories

  • Developed a system to manage timelines for multiple overlapping characters and interactions, syncing voiceover, animations and effects

  • Created a subtitle system to unobtrusively follow the user's focus   

  • Added Javascript to static webpages to allow communication with Unity via Vuplex Web UI

Quest Pro

Unity / C#

Animation Blend Trees

XR Interaction Toolkit

Unity Timeline

Vuplex Web UI


GPU + CPU Optimisation

Training simulation focusing on how to safely deal with hazards in the day to day running of a US-based gas station. 

  • Used Bolt visual scripting system to script over 40 mini-lessons, creating custom nodes in C# whenever necessitated 

  • Designed and created a system to procedurally generate capstone levels from a list of tasks based on a user's learning priorities 

  • Localisation system which would dynamically resize and reposition Unity UI elements based on content and language parsed from a CSV


Unity / C#

Locomotion Tutorial Design

Cinemachine Procedural Transitions

Custom Inspector Tool Creation

CSV loading and parsing

Root Motion

Bolt Visual Scripting

16 Week game development course aimed at novice-lower intermediate Unity developers. Covering commonly used Unity features, source control best practices and programming patterns

  • Developed a system to manage timelines for multiple overlapping characters and interactions, syncing voiceover, animations and effects

  • Created a subtitle system to unobtrusively follow the user's focus   

  • Added Javascript to static webpages to allow communication with Unity via Vuplex Web UI

Desktop / Android

Unity / C#

Prefab Variant Structuring

Saving, loading and serializing

Android Achievements

Root motion and blend trees

Lighting Fundamentals


A multi-platform, mixed reality, meeting app where users can collaborate to examine and manipulate CAD files in real time, whilst being represented by avatars generated via a mugshot-style photo.

  • Led a small team of artists and programmers, heading scrums while breaking down and delegating tasks

  • Designed UX for HoloLens 1, 2, Desktop and iOS, ensuring a cohesive experience across platforms

  • Managed time to meet strict deadlines and satisfy client's project specification

HoloLens 1+2, iOS, Desktop

Unity / C#

Oculus Lipsync Native / C++

Microsoft MRTK

Azure Remote Rendering

UI / UX Design and Programming

Holographic Remoting

Profiling + Optimisation

IL2CPP + ARM Debugging

Mixed Reality app to provide maintenance instructions for machinery, in a similar way to Microsoft Guides. IoT-enabled devices can automatically upload their state to update a user's instructions.

  • Designed and coded IoT-enabled demo devices to demonstrate the capabilities of the platform

  • Designed UX for HoloLens 1, ensuring it was unobtrusive and informative

  • Demonstrated software to clients and potential customers at international trade shows and bespoke sales pitches

HoloLens 1+2, IoT Devices

Unity / C#

Raspbian / Linux .NET Core

Azure Spatial Anchors

HoloLens Spatial Understanding

Network Replication

Profiling + Optimisation across devices

Sci-Fi VR horde shooter and base defence, featuring achievements, aerial and grounded enemies and a variety of dual-wield weapons with unique characteristics

  • Worked alongside an artist to design and implement a hexagonal tile level editor for Scrap Attack

  • Designed weapons and iteratively balanced them following internal and external playtests

  • Collaborated with artists, programmers and another designer to refine and iterate UI elements, while balancing the game

Vive, Windows MR, Rift

Unity / C#

Unity Custom Inspectors

Level Design

Custom Inspector Tool Creation

Tutorial Design

Weapon  and Enemy Balancing

UI Design

A multi-platform, web-based game designed to sit amongst web content. Aimed to maximise brand engagement by allowing a user to play using a variety of platforms and peripherals. Created over 2 weeks by an artist and me

  • Designed, prototyped and iterated on gameplay across all platforms

  • Profiled and optimised the game, draw calls, collision, and physics to run on mobile devices
  • Implemented a simple collision detection and gravity system to workaround ammo.js + PlayCanvas performance issues

Desktop, iOS, Android, WMR, Cardboard

PlayCanvas / JavaScript

Game and UX Design

Game Balancing

WebVR Development

Mobile Input

GPU + CPU Optimisation

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